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Diocese of Hereford Multi-Academy Trust

Our Family of Academies

Our Family of Academies

Service - The Good Shepherd

Jesus offers a new vision of what we are invited into. His promise of life in all its fullness is given when he describes himself as the good shepherd who calls his sheep by name, loves them to the point of laying down his life for them, and opens up a vision of an ever-wider, united community (John 10:1-18).


A school where the things that go wrong are faced in that spirit can nurture in children a lifetime of perseverance in hope. 

Our staff give dedicated vocational service to our  children and young people.

Called Connected Committed - CofEFEL 2020 

Saint Thomas Cantilupe, Hereford’s own Saint, became the Bishop of Hereford in 1275. Known as the father of modern charity, his story of service and sacrifice has inspired many to undertake pilgrimage to his shrine in Hereford Cathedral. 

Like St Thomas, ours is a mission of service. We exist to serve the children and families of our diocese by providing an enlightening and inspiring education. We are here to develop qualities of character that enable children to flourish together, respecting human dignity and with appreciation of the ultimate worth of each person.